Shadow Tech

 Posted on 11/19/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Bob Koslosky <> asks:
> Even if that Iowa class ship could be telepathically "jammed:,
> what could those Trieme's actually accomplish with spears and
> arrows? If the Shadows are thousands of years advanced of all the
> races except the Vorlons, how are Sheridan's "Trieme"s" able to
> hurt the Shadows at all? So militarily speaking, why haven't the
> Shadows just run ruff shod over Sheridan's brave forces????

Because up until now, they haven't been out to destroy
everyone, that's not the can't sow chaos if there's no one
around in which to sow that chaos. And they may have some ideas on how
B5 could be turned to their advantage....


Shadow Tech

 Posted on 11/20/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Bob Koslosky <> asks:
> The crux of my question is how Sheridan's ships, seemingly
> thousands of years behind the Shadows technologically, are even
> able to "dent" the Shadow ships??

Bear in mind that the White Stars are partially based on Vorlon
technology, which is similar in strength to the Shadows. That helps a
lot. Also, other ships can have an influence in sufficient numbers.
Even a lion can be brought down by a sufficient number of hyenas. The
idea that higher technology always equals victory didn't help Custer.


Shadow Tech

 Posted on 11/21/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

There's one more thing you haven't seen, yes....


Shadow Tech

 Posted on 10/13/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> Are they susceptible to telepaths like the shadow vessels were?
> I forget, will there be a Aggy model?
> Do John Copeland and Bruce B have an interest in airship history?

"These new EA ships with Shadow tech...Are they susceptible to
telepaths like the shadow vessels were?"

Negative...they don't have living beings as CPUs, they're still
working at adapting the basic tech, the other stuff is still a bit

"By the way, the EA adaptation to the shadow tech is accurately done.
Keep the basic Omega design and modify where needed."

Got it in one.

"Do John Copeland and Bruce B have an interest in airship history?"

Please...these guys are the biggest airplane buffs I've ever
